Order Deadline: Now through March 31, 2025
Consider buying a bell for yourself, neighbor, friend, relative, teacher, favorite senior or avid bird watcher!

The Monroe Women's Club will be delivering Birdseed Bells weekly and placing near the mailbox (only to a local Monroe CT address)
Birdseed Bells are $15 each, delivered in a bag and include
a special whimsical bird ornament for the recipient to hang inside their home.
Tell us who you want to Feed the Birds and Help to Feed Your Neighbors in Monroe
More details are on our order form. Click on the link below to view the order form.
Birdseed Bell Order Form (PDF Format)
Mail a Check Payable to: Monroe Women's Club
P.O. Box 73, Monroe CT 06468
For more info call Veronica at 203-331-6662.


A member of Dogwood District of CONNECTICUT JUNIOR WOMEN, INC.
Club Officers
President Adele Buck |
VP & Membership Veronica Condon |
Treasurer Deborah Heim
Recording Secretary OPEN Adele Buck filling in
VP & Corresponding Secretary Patrice Mehotra |
Past Co-President Mary Christian-Hein
* You've Been Pinked Fundraiser
* Cancer Awareness Display at Edith Wheeler Library
* Murder Mystery Dinner
* Monroe Social Services Adopt A Neighbor
* Poinsettia Fundraiser
* Luminarie Fundraiser
* Tree Lighting at Monroe Town Green
* Valentine Bags for Womens Shelter
* Easter Baskets for Monroe Social Services